The content below was commented out in the view file. does this represent the intended design?
1 | Perfectionist, Reformer, Judge, Critic
Wants to live their life the right way, sees what's wrong and how to make it better.
Is very responsible, ethical, hard-working, fair, honest and philanthropic.
Evolves into the Humanitarian who makes a difference in the world and comes to have complete
acceptance and compassion for themselves and others.
Basic Fear
Of being unwanted, unworthy of being loved
Basic Desire
To feel loved
Basic Avoidance
Their own needs
Blind Spot
2 | Helper, Giver, Nurturer, Manipulator
Wants to be pleasing and help others emotionally. Is especially drawn to the wounded bird.
Is out-of-touch with their need for attention, affection and approval; over-accommodating and over-giving.
Evolves into the Lover who has learned to listen and to follow their own heart; focuses on their own goals
and life-path, and feels gratitude for all that they receive.
Basic Fear
Of being corrupt/evil, defective
Basic Desire
To be good, to have integrity, to be balanced
Basic Avoidance
Blind Spot
Special Thanks...
To Julie Foster for the inspirational words in this column!